Configurations design tips

Configurations design tips To build efficient and optimized configurations, it’s important for you to know how to design them. Configurations perform a certain amount of queries in the database. Each query needs a few milliseconds to be processed. So the lighter and simpler your configuration, the faster your configurator will be. /!\ Associated posts /!\ […]

Components and options

Components and options This article will show you how to create and manage Components and options. The components are the configurable parts of your product while the options are all the variations of these parts. /!\ Associated posts /!\ 1. Components settings 1.1. Icon The icon is an image representing the component. 1.2. Behavior There […]

Configuration basic settings

Configuration basic settings Configurations are the most important part of a configurable product. This is also the part that requires the most work when creating the configurable product, yet easy to understand. We’ll start with the basic settings. /!\ Associated posts /!\ 1. Add a new configuration To add a new configuration, go to Dashboard […]


Skins Skins are add-ons designed to change the look of your configurator. As explained here, there is a default one directly integrated into Visual Products Configurator and the others are available as add-ons. To choose a skin for your configurator, select it in the “Skin” dropdown of the configuration page. /!\ Associated posts /!\

Configurator customization

Configurator customization You will find below some CSS code snippets to style parts of your configurator. We chose not to integrate them directly into the plugin because the customization part would have required a lot of extra settings that you could have gotten lost in. To add a CSS snippet to your website, go to […]

Link products to configuration options

Link products to configuration options Visual Products Configurator offers you the ability to link a Woocommerce product to a configuration option. The option inherits the price and stock status of the product. /!\ Associated post /!\ 1. Activation To activate the feature, set “Links products options” to “YES” in the plugin settings. 2. Option and […]

Configurator display settings

Configurator display settings There are 3 ways to display the configurator: /!\ Associated post /!\ 1. Automatic display This is the default display mode of the configurator. When clicking on the “Build your own” button on the product page, Visual Product Configurator generates the configurator URL based on a specified page in the plugin settings. […]

Link a product to a configuration

Link a product to a configuration For a Woocommerce product to be “Configurable“, it needs to be associated with a configuration. Now that you know how to create a configuration, it’s time to know how to link them to products. /!\ Associated post /!\ 1. Simple product To link a configuration to a simple product, […]

Conditional logic

Conditional logic Conditional logic is a genuine feature of Visual Products Configurator. It allows you to show, hide, select, and deselect any options of your configurator under specific conditions. Those conditions are generally based on the user selections. /!\ Associated post /!\ 1. Enable conditional logic Conditional logic is applied to configurations and is made […]

Configuration settings

Configuration settings This article will show you how to create a configuration. Configurations are the most important part of a configurable product. This is also the part that requires the most work when creating the configurable product, yet easy to understand. 1. Add a new configuration To add a new configuration, go to Dashboard > […]
