
We are going to create a discount which lets us reduce the price for a user based on whether he already benefited from certain discounts, which we will define in a list.

1. Step 1:

We will first add our discount to the list of rules, using the “wad_get_discounts_conditions” filter.
First, we add the filter:

add_filter( 'wad_get_discounts_conditions', 'add_my_custom_condition', 10 );

Then we add the callback function linked to this filter:

/ **
  * This function allows us to add our condition.
  * @param type $ arrays contains all conditions.
  * @return type
  * /
function add_my_custom_condition( $arrays ) {
     $arrays['has-discount'] = __( 'If Customer has benefited a discount', 'wad' );
     return $arrays;

By so doing, we have added our “has-discount” discount to the list of rules.

2. Step 2:

The next step is to add the list of values that can be associated with the discount we just created. We do this by using the ‘wad_fields_values_match’ filter.
First, we call the filter:

add_filter('wad_fields_values_match', 'add_available_option_for_my_custom_condition', 10, 3);

Then we call the callback function linked to the filter:

/ **
  * This function adds the options that are available for our condition.
  * @param array $ arr contains all available options for each condition.
  * @param type  $ condition contains the condition (or the designation of the discount).
  * @param type  $ selected_value contains options that have been selected for the condition ???.
  * @return type
  * /
function add_available_option_for_my_custom_condition( $arr, $condition, $selected_value ) {
     $field_name = 'o-discount [rules] [{rule-group}] [{rule-index}] [value]';// the value of the name attribute of the select field
         $discounts_title      = wad_get_all_discounts_post_title();
         $discount_get_select = get_wad_html_select( $field_name . '[]', false, '', $discounts_title, $selected_value, true );// get_wad_html_select allows you to create a select type field with the parameters given to it; the square brackets ([]) mean that it is a multiple field, if they are not put then a single field will be rendered.
         $arr['has-discount'] = $discount_get_select;
     return $arr;
 / **
  * This function return all discounts title
  * @return array
  * /
function wad_get_all_discounts_post_title() {
     $all_discounts   = wad_get_all_discounts();// we retrieve all discounts. it is a wad's function.
     $discounts_title = array();
     foreach ( $all_discounts as $key => $value ) {
         $discounts_title[ $value->ID ] = $value->post_title;
     return $discounts_title;

3. Step 3:

The next step is to add our operators using the ‘wad_operators_fields_match’ filter. These operators will link our discount to the values we added previously:

add_filter('wad_operators_fields_match', 'add_comparison_operators_for_my_custom_condition', 10, 3);


/ **
  * This function allows us to associate comparison operators to our condition.
  * @param type $ arrays contains the operators associated with each condition.
  * @param type $ condition contains the condition (or the designation of the discount).
  * @param type $ selected_value contains the operator currently active.
  * @return type
  * /
function add_comparison_operators_for_my_custom_condition( $arrays, $condition, $selected_value ) {
     $field_name  = 'o-discount [rules] [{rule-group}] [{rule-index}] [operator]';
     $arrays_operators   = array(
         'IN'     => __( 'IN', 'wad' ),
         'NOT IN' => __( 'NOT IN', 'wad' ),
         $arrays_operators_select = get_wad_html_select( $field_name, false, '', $arrays_operators, $selected_value );// get_wad_html_select allows you to create a select type field with the parameters given to it. it's wad's function.
         $arrays['has-discount'] = $arrays_operators_select;
     return $arrays;

4. Step 4:

Finally, we will put in measures to apply our discount after checking that the rules defined the match. We will use the ‘wad_is_rule_valid’ filter to achieve this:

add_filter('wad_is_rule_valid', 'is_rule_valid', 10, 2);


/ **
   * Description
   * @param type $ is_valid after having compared the rules defined in the dashboard and the evaluable condition this boolean allows to say if the rule is valid or not.
   * @param type $ rule comment contains the rules defined in the dashboard.
   * @return type
   * /
 function is_rule_valid( $is_valid, $rule ) {
      $condition = get_all_discounts_customer_has_benefited(); // we recover the discounts from which the customer has benefited and we compare it to the rules defined in the dashboard according to the operators.
      if ( 'has-discount' === $rule['condition']) {
          $intersection = array_intersect( $rule['value'], $condition );
          if (( 'NOT IN' == $rule['operator'] && $rule['value']! == $intersection ) ||
                      ( 'IN' === $rule['operator'] && $rule['value'] === $intersection )) {
              $is_valid = true;
      return $is_valid;
/ **
   * This function recovers all the reductions from which the client has benefited, this will be the evaluable condition that will be used in is_rule_valid function to evaluate our discount.
   * @return array
   * /
 function get_all_discounts_customer_has_benefited() {
      // Get all customer orders.
      $customer_orders = get_posts(
              'numberposts' => -1,
              'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
              'orderby'     => 'date',
              'order'       => 'DESC',
              'meta_value'  => get_current_user_id(),
              'post_type'   => wc_get_order_types(),
              'post_status' => array_keys( wc_get_order_statuses()),
              'post_status' => array( 'wc-processing' ),
      // get a discount that user have benefitted.
      $customer_discount_id = array();
      foreach ( $customer_orders as $customer_order ) {
          $order_data                 = wc_get_order( $customer_order );// we get the data on each customer's order.
          $customer_discount_id[] = get_post_meta( $order_data->get_id(), $key = 'wad_used_discount', true );// get discount that customer has benefited id.
      return $customer_discount_id;

In reference to the example scenario mentioned earlier in this tutorial, we have been able to achieve the equation: A = B.
In this context, the function allows us to recover B (all the discounts from which the user has benefited) via the ‘get_my_evaluable_condition’ function, and A (the condition established in the dashboard by the administrator) via the ‘is_rule_valid’ function using the ‘$rule’ parameter.

Last updated on March 4, 2023
